All massages come with a consultation before treatment. Pressure will depend on each individual client and whether you want more of a relaxing or a tension release massage.

Swedish massage warms up the body, releasing the tension and gradually breaking up the muscle knots.

The UK’s “hottest” massage – Lava Shells are the world’s first self-heating massage tool. A unique innovation in warming spa therapies that relaxes whilst easing muscle and joint aches and pains.  The Lava Shell massage uses 100% genuine recycled Tiger Clam shells which heat up internally for up to an hour with a patented combination of natural minerals and water.

Benefits of Lava Shell massage:

  • promotes extreme relaxation
  • stress-busting treatment
  • improves circulation
  • improved skin appearance
  • delivers a seamless massage of heat and touch
  • reduces tight, tense muscles
  • natural mineral heat

Price list

Swedish Full Body Massage (60 mins) £50

Swedish Back, Neck and Shoulder (30 mins) £30

Deep Tissue Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage (30 mins) £40

Deep Tissue Full Body Massage (60 mins) £60

Lava Shell Full Body Massage (60 mins) £68

Lava Shell Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage (30 mins) £42

Indian Head Massage (30 min) £32

Mary Cohr full back scrub £18

Using Mary Cohr body scrub with bamboo grains and Pure Slimmer Quick Action intensive refining action body cream/gel.

Mary Cohr full body scrub £33

Using Mary Cohr body scrub with bamboo grains and Pure Slimmer Quick Action intensive refining action body cream/gel.

Sienna X spray tan £30

The Sienna X DHA Vegan spray tan solution is perfect for nearly all your clients' skin tones, it has different percentages to suit all skin tones. Giving a natural, confidence-boosting holiday glow, equivalent to a week's holiday. 8hr development time and lasts 5-7 days

Sienna X Express spray tan Tonight's the Night £32

The Sienna X 1HR DHA Vegan spray tan solution is ideal for nearly all your clients' skin tones, who do not want to sit for long waiting for the tan to develop.
This tan can be left on to develop for 1-4 hours depending on your clients' skin tone and the final result they would like to achieve. It's a really versatile solution enabling you to achieve anything from light to dark tans, giving your clients a natural, confidence-boosting holiday glow.
Lasts 5-7 days



Hopi ear candle £35

This is an ancient and natural therapy used to regulate pressure in the sinuses and aid drainage, stimulate the lymphatic system and clear away toxins. The Hopi ear candle is inserted just inside the ear and the lit flame creates a gentle suction which draws the impurities from the inner ear.

Users of Hopi ear candles have reported success in treating balance and inner ear problems, build up of wax, ringing in the ear, tinnitus, hearing difficulties and sinus problems as well as colds, 'flu, sore throats, stress, headaches and migraines. The treatment is suitable for children and is a good alternative for people who have found syringing uncomfortable.

Gift vouchers are available.

24 hour cancellation fee applies.